In this post I want to give a simple example of how to use ZIO modules together with STTP. We will see how to wire different components together and in particular how to unit test the http layer. I assume basic ZIO concepts such as environment, layer, error and ZIO aliases (RIO, UIO etc) are already known to the reader, who can refer to ZIO documentation for further details. The code used along this article is available here.

One foundation of Functional Programming is Referential Transparency (RT). Purely functional languages (like Haskell), and purely functional libraries for non purely functional languages (like scalaz or cats for Scala) aim at building Referential Transparent programs. The benefit of this constraint might not be immediately visible, so in this post I want to expose my thoughts on this, and see what Referential Transparency can buy us.


Any application in an enterprise context, regardless how small this context might be, must relate with other systems. These systems might be File system, databases, webservices, message queues, logging systems, or systems using a particular communication protocol. Moreover, data typically undergo transformations, switching and routing logics before reaching other systems. The variety of combinations this allows is enormous, and tackling each of these in a hand made, custom way might easily become an integration nightmare. Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) establish a standard way to describe and identify the different approaches that one can follow to deal with an integration problem (see They establish a common vocabulary that can be used unambiguously when talking about integration. If we consider that integration solutions are ubuquitous in application development, we realize easily how convenient it might be to have solid foundations on this subject.

After the Scaladays 2015 in SF, a lot of echo has involved the Scala.js framework. Scala.js compiles Scala code into Javascript code, which can be run in a browser but also on Javascript powered server environments e.g. Node.js.

I embraced functional programming through Scala starting with the great Marting Odersky’s course on Coursera, following with the Reactive Programming course in Coursera (a second edition of which will start shortly and I really recommend you to sign up and follow it), and later on working with Play framework and Akka streams.